TM 55-2320-272 -14-1
Section I.
1-1. Purpose and Scope
This manual is for transportation officers and other
personnel responsible for safe transport of the
M939-, M939A1-, and M939A2-series, 5-ton, 6x6
trucks. In this manual, the trucks refers to all of
the vehicles, while a specific series, or vehicle, will
be identified by its model number. This manual
provides transportability guidance for safe shipping
and receiving of the trucks. It includes significant
technical and physical characteristics of the ve-
hicles as well as safety requirements for worldwide
movement by various transport modes.
1-2. Related Publications
Additional information on transport procedures can
be found in:
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 55-19, Tiedown Handbook
for Rail Movements
MTMCTEA Reference 92-55-20, Tiedown Hand-
book for Truck Movements
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 56-1, Surface Transporta-
tion, Marine Terminal Lifting Guidance
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 70-1, Transportability for
Better Strategic Mobility
FM 10-526, Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment,
Rigging 5-ton trucks
FM 55-65, Strategic Deployment by Surface
TM 38-250/AFR 71-4, Preparation of Hazardous
Materials for Military Air Shipment
USAREUR Regulation 55-1, United States Army
Motor Vehicle Operations on Public Roads
USAREUR Regulation 55-8, Loading and
Securing Military Wheeled and Tracked
Vehicles on European Railcars
AFP 76-2, Airlift Planning Factors
AR 55-162, Permits for Oversize, Overweight, or
Other Special Military Movernents on Public
Highways in the United States
AR 55-228, Transportation by Water of Explo-
sives and Hazardous Cargo
46 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 46
49 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49
1-3. User Comments
Users of this manual are invited to send comments
and recommend suggested improvements on DA
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to DA Publica-
tions and Blank Forms) or on a marked copy of a
page or pages of the manual. Forward these sugges-
tions directly to Director, Military Traffic Manage-
ment Command Transportation Engineering
Agency, ATTN: MTTE-TR, 720 Thimble Shoals
Boulevard, Suite 130, Newport News, VA 23606-
2574. Address electronically transmitted messages
This command will furnish a reply.
1-4. Definitions
The following definitions will be used throughout
this manual:
a. CONUS. Continental United States.
b. OCONUS. Outside the continental United
c. Curb Weight (CW). Weight of base vehicle
including materials handling equipment (MHE), if
applicable, with all kits, attachments, accessories,
equipment, basic issue items (BII ), and all fuels,
lubricants, coolants, and hydraulic fluids topped off.
d. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW). Curb weight
plus payload and crew weight.
e. Payload. Any load placed in or on the vehicle
that increases the GVW above the curb weight. The
trailer tongue load and crew weight are not consid-
ered part of the payload for a 5-ton truck.
f. Working Load Limit (WLL). The maximum
load that can be applied to a chain or wire rope and
maintain a safety factor of 5.
g. W/W. With winch.
h. WO/W. Without winch.
i. CTIS. Central tire inflation system.
1-5. Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Throughout this manual, warnings, cautions, and
notes emphasize important or critical guidance.
They are used for the following conditions:
Instructions that must be followed to prevent
serious injury to or death of personnel.
Instructions that must be followed to prevent
damage to or destruction of equipment.
An operating procedure or condition that must
receive special attention.