TM 9-2320-272-10
Extend boom (1) to desired operational length by pushing crowd control lever (4) forward to EXTEND and
hoist control lever (3) forward to DOWN. Maintain even distance between crane block (14) and boom sheaves (13).
Remove boom jacks (15) from wrecker bed.
Remove both retaining pins (16) and jack pin (20). Insert jack pin (20) in hole of 12-ft mark (21) on boom (1).
Insert boom jack yoke end (17) on jack pin (20) and secure with retaining pin (16).
Obtain ring-handled pin (11) and extend boom Jacks (15) to required length. Insert ring-handled pin (19)
when required length is obtained and secure with retaining clip (18).
Repeat steps i and j on opposite side of boom (1) with second boom jack (15).
Direct all personnel to stand clear of crane or load during crane operation. A snapped cable, shifting, or
swinging load may result in injury or death.
Pull boom control lever (2) to UP position until boom jacks (15) are off the ground.
(m) Remove boom jack base plates (12) from wrecker bed.