TM 55-2320-272-14-1
5-6. Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)
The trucks are not certified for transport on CRAF
aircraft. Commercial airlines evaluate transport on
CRAF aircraft on a case-by-case basis.
5-7. Vehicle Preparation
a. Secure all loose items.
b. Remove all trash and mud from the vehicle.
c. Check for fluid leaks and repair any defects.
d. Inspect the engine and brakes, and repair any
e. Inspect and replace any damaged or missing
tiedown shackles and provisions.
f. For C-130 and C-141 aircraft, remove canvas
top and exhaust stack, move spare tire, fold down
windshield, and fold in mirrors.
5.7.1 M936/M936A1/M936A2
Wrecker Truck Preparation
For transport on the C-130 and C-141 aircraft, the
height shall be reduced to 106.5 inches or less. This
will require that the tires be inflated to cross-
country tire pressures and may require removal of
the upper roller from the boom. Axle weights shall
be reduced to below 13,000 pounds for shipment on
the C-130 aircraft. In addition, the following
preparation must be accomplished prior to loading
the trucks on either the C-130 or C- 141 aircraft.
a. One of the following must be done:
(1). Modify the stabilizer bars; that is, short-
ened, such that the boom is supported and the
maximum height is still within the 106.5-inch limit.
(2). Remove the stabilizer bars and lower the
boom onto a block of wood shoring such that the
hydraulic lift cylinders are not bottomed out. This
will prevent damage to the hydraulic cylinders. The
maximum height shall be less than or equal to the
106.5-inch limit. The boom must be restrained to
meet the MIL-STD-1791 requirements of 3 g
forward, 1.5 g lateral, 1.5 g aft, 2 g up, and 4.5 g
b. Remove the canvas top.
c. Remove the exhaust stack.
d. Remove the upper boom assembly roller (if
e. Fold down the windshield.
Preparation for transport on C-17 aircraft
could change as the aircraft comes into pro-
5-8. Vehicle Loading
Vehicles with individual wheel loads in excess of
5,000 pounds may require shoring. For specific
guidance, contact the nearest AMC activity. The
shipping unit must provide shoring in accordance
with the applicable aircraft loading technical order.
The shipping unit will assist the aircraft
loadmaster/crew in loading and tying down the
trucks. The USAF will provide the tiedown