TM 55-2320-272-14-1
1. Common Metric Abbreviations
m = meter
kg = kilogram
dm = decimeter
km = kilometer
cm = centimeter
t = metric ton
mm = millimeter
2. Linear Measure
1 mi = 1,609.35 m
1 yd = 0.9144 m
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 in = 0.0254 m
1 m = 10 dm = 100 cm = 1000 mm
1 km = 0.62137 mi
1 m = 1.0936 yd
1 m = 3.2808 ft
1 m = 39.3700 in
3. Surface Measure
1 sq yd = 0.8361 sq m
1 sq m = l.196 sq yd
1 sq ft = 0.0929 sq m
1 sq m = 10.764 sq ft
1 sq in = 0.00065 sq m
1 sq m = 1,550 sq in
4. Cubic Measure
1 cu yd = 0.76455 cu m
1 cu m = 1.31 cu yd
1 cu ft = 0.02831 cu m
1 cu m = 35.30 cu ft
1 cu in = 0.000016 cu m
1 cu m = 61,023 cu in
5 . W e i g ht
1 STON = 907.185 kg
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
1 LTON = 1016 kg
1 t = 1,000 kg
1 lb = 0.45359 kg
1 t = 2,204.62 lb
1 STON = 2,000 lb
1 LTON = 2,240 lb
6. The following simplified conversion factors are accurate to within 2 percent for quick computations:
a. Inches to centimeters - Multiply inches by 10 and divide by 4.
b. Yards to meters - Multiply yards by 9 and divide by 10.
c. Miles to kilometers - Multiply miles by 8 and divide by 5.
d. Pounds to kilograms - Multiply pounds by 5 and divide by 11.
7. The following conversions are provided for guidance when procuring lumber, wire rope, or wire in areas
that use the metric system. Lumber sizes are rounded off to the nearest 1/2 cm.
a. Lumber
2-in x 4-in x desired length = 5-cm x 10-cm x desired length
1-in x 6-in x desired length = 2.5-cm x 15-cm x desired length
6-in x 8-in x desired length = 15-cm x 20-cm x desired length
1-in x 12-in x desired length = 2.5-cm x 30-cm x desired length (length normally expressed in ft or m)
b. Wire rope. Round off to next higher whole mm of available wire rope sizes.
318-in dia = 9.5-mm dia
1/2-in dia = 12.7-mm dia
518-in dia = 15.8-mm dia
314-in dia = 19.0-mm dia
718-in dia = 22.2-mm dia
1-in dia = 25.4-mm dia
1-1/4-in dia = 31.7-mm dia
1-1/2-in dia = 38.1-mm dia
c. Wire. No. 8 gauge annealed (11/64-in dia) = 4.37-mm dia. Round off to the next higher whole mm of
available wire rope sizes.