TM 9-2320-260-10
S e c t i o n I I I . O P E R A T I O N U N D E R U S U A L C O N D I T I O NS
2 - 1 1 . G E N E R A L
This section provides instructions for vehicle operations under moderate temperature,
humidity. and terrain conditions. For vehicle operations under unusual conditions, refer
to section IV of this chapter.
This vehicle has been designed to operate safe-
ly and efficiently within the limits specified in
this TM. Operation beyond these limits is
prohibited IAW AR 70-1 without written ap-
proval from the Commander, U.S. Army Tank-
Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-CM-S,
Warren, MI 48397-5000.
Before you attempt to operate your vehicle, be sure you perform
the preventive maintenance checks and services (see table 2-2).
Hearing protection is required for all personnel working in and
around this vehicle while vehicle engine is running
a. Release parking brake by pushing forward parking brake lever (3). Turn knob (4)
on end of lever (3) handle to adjust brake cable tension and reapply parking brake.
b. Adjust operators seat.
c. Adjust left and right rearview mirrors. Make sure both mirrors provide a clear rear
d. Make sure vehicle front and side windows are clean. If not, clean windows before.
attempting to start vehicle.
e. Place gearshift lever (1) in "N" (neutral) position.
f. On vehicles with a front winch, make sure winch control lever (5) is in "N" (neutral)
position and secured by hinged lock.
g. On vehicles so equipped, make certain power divider control lever (2) is in neutral
position and transfer power takeoff control lever (6) is disengaged (down position).
If emergency stop control is pulled out, notify organizational
h. Make sure emergency engine stop control (11) is pushed in all the way.
2-72 Change 2