TM 9-2320-260-10
Operator maintenance is preventive maintenance. The duties of
each operator are to keep the vehicle operational. These duties
consist of maintenance checks and assisting in servicing the vehicle.
They are not mechanical repairs. Mechanical repairs of M809
series vehicles are accomplished at the organizational maintenance
level or higher.
2 - 7 . G E N E R A L
A permanent record of the services; repair, and modifications made to these vehicles
must be recorded. See DA Pam 738-750 for a list of the forms and records required.
Refer to chapter 3, section IV for specific maintenance instructions.
Cleaning is an after-operation service performed by operator/crew to keep the vehicle in
a state of readiness. Facilities and material available to operators for vehicle cleaning can
vary greatly in differing operating conditions. However, vehicles must be maintained in
as clean a condition as available cleaning equipment, materials, and tactical situations
a. General Cleaning Precautions.
(1) All cleaning procedures must be accomplished in well-ventilated areas.
(2) Protective gloves, clothing, and/or respiratory equipment must be worn
whenever caustic, toxic, or flammable cleaning solutions are used.
(3) Diesel fuel or gasoline must never be used for cleaning.
(4) A fire extinguisher must be available and ready during all cleaning operations
involving solvents.
b. Special Precautions.
(1) Do not allow cleaning compounds to come into contact with rubber, leather,
vinyl, or canvas materials.
(2) Do not allow corrosion-removing cleaning compounds to contact painted
(3) Do not use steam under pressure or air in cleaning truck cab interiors or van
body interiors.
(4) Mildew must be removed with a bristle brush before canvas paulin can be
properly cleaned and aired. Wash with warm. soapy water and dry with soft cloth.
(5) The radiator is always cleaned first from behind in order to blow debris, insects,
or other obstructions out and away from the radiator core. Low pressure water or air can
be used in cleaning radiator core of obstructions.
c. Cleaning Materials. Detailed descriptions of specific cleaning compounds, cleaning
solvents, drycleaning solutions, and corrosion-removing compounds are found in
TM 9-247.
d. General Guidelines. Table 2-1 provides a general guideline for cleaning materials
used in removing contaminants from various vehicle surfaces.
TA 094249