TM 9-2320-260-10
Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services, table 2-2, lists the inspections and care of
your equipment required to keep it in good operating condition.
a. Item Number. This column shall be used as a source of item numbers for the
"TM Number column on DA form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
b. Designated Intervals. The interval column of your PMCS table tells you when to
perform a certain check or service.
Observe all warnings and cautions.
(1) BEFORE checks and services (B): Checks and services performed prior to
equipment leaving its containment area or performing its intended mission.
(2) DURING checks (D): Checks begin when equipment is being used in its
intended mission.
(3) AFTER checks and services (A): Checks and services begin when equipment is
taken out of its mission mode or returned to the containment area.
(4) WEEKLY checks and services (W) of PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE are
performed once every seven days.
(5) MONTHLY checks and services (M) of PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE are
performed once every 30 days.
c. Procedures. The procedure column of your PMCS table tells you the specific
required checks and services. Carefully follow these instructions. If you do not have the
tools, or if the procedure tells you to, have organizational maintenance do the work.
(1) Troubleshoot malfunctions. (Refer to table 3-1.)
(2) Use DA form 2404 and report non-repairable item(s) to organizational
(3) Tools included with vehicle are to be used when performing PREVENTIVE
MAINTENANCE checks and services. Wiping cloths are sometimes needed to remove
dirt or grease.
d. Not Ready Condition. If a vehicle is not able to perform the prescribed mission,
equipment will be reported as not ready or unavailable. Refer to DA Pam 738-750.
The terms ready/available and mission capable refer to the
same status, equipment on hand and able to perform its combat
If you see anything that looks wrong, report it! You do not need
a not ready/available if:" statement or an inspection procedure in
order to report it.
TA 094251
2-36 Change 1