TM 9-2320-272-10
Pull hand chain (5) to slightly raise spare tire (6) from spare tire carrier base (7). Move spare tire (6) out
of bracket area towards back of cab. Pull spare tire (6) towards side of vehicle until sufficient clearance is obtained to
lower spare tire (6) to ground.
Pull on hand chain (5) to lower spare tire (6) to ground.
Remove utility chain (1) securing spare tire (6) to chain fall (4).
Installation (M929/A1/A2, M930/A1A2, and M934).
Place utility chain (1) through rim of spare tire (6) and ring (2) on utility chain (1). Center ring (2) at top of
spare tire (6). Take up slack and hook utility chain (1) back onto utility chain (1).
Lower chain fall (4) hook and attach to utility chain ring (2).
Raise spare tire (6) until it clears tire carrier base (7). Place tire on tire carrier base (7).
Lower wheel brace (10), guide threaded bar (8) to notch in spare tire carrier base (10), and tighten
wingnut (9) until snug.
Remove utility chain (1) from spare tire (6) and chain fall (4) from support loop (3). Return utility chain
(1) and chain fall (4) to tool compartment.
Removal (M934A1/A2).
This procedure requires two personnel.
Cable and hook will be attached to spare tire during normal vehicle operation.
Push and hold button (14) and remove retaining pin (13) and lift brace (11) up. Reinstall pin (13) with
brace (11) in up position.
Turn winch handle (12) counterclockwise to remove tension.