TM 9-2320-260-10
(5) Reroute air hoses (1) and (5) and electrical cable (4) beneath trailer. Reconnect
to retaining rings (11) on reach (10) and to same fittings on rear of towing vehicle. Start
engine and open emergency hose (5) and service hose (1) air valves (2). releasing trailer
brakes. Secure slack in hoses and cable to prevent dragging.
(6) Lower landing leg (6) by pulling out spring-loaded locking pin handle (9). Swing
leg (6) downward 90 degrees so locking pin (8) will engage landing leg (6) in lowered
Bolster truck and trailer are now ready for loading cargo.
d. I.oading or Unloading Bolster Truck and Trailer.
(1) Methods used to load or unload cargo depend on the type of load and available
Direct all personnel to stand clear of winch cable. A snapped
cable or swinging load can cause injuries.
Always wear hand protection handling winch cable. Never
allow cable to run through bare hands. Broken wires can cause
(2) The midships winch (13) and front winch can be used for loading and unloading.
Controls for both winches are identical. Refer to paragraph 2-22 for front winch
(3) If available, a wrecker crane also can be used to load or unload the bolster truck
and trailer. Refer to paragraph 2-28 as required for procedures.
(4) Secure cargo with cables, chains, or by other methods to prevent cargo from
coming loose or shifting. This is particularly important for cross-country movement.
(5) Raise landing leg (6) by removing locking pin (8) and pulling up into spring-
loaded locking pin handle (9) before moving bolster truck and trailer.
(6) Lower landing leg (6) before unloading cargo. See step c. above.