TM 9-2320-260-10
Hearing protection is required for all personnel working in and
around this vehicle with the engine running.
3 - 1 0 . G E N E R A L
The operator/crew is responsible for preventive maintenance, checks and services listed in
table 3-1 on preceding pages. Certain other maintenance services, also the responsibility
of the operator/crew, are listed in this section.
3 - 1 1 . E N G I N E S E R V I C E
a. General. To perform engine service, hood must be unlatched and secured in opened
position. After completing engine service, release hood, lower it to fixed position, and
latch it. (Refer to paragraph 2-4.)
b. Engine Crankcase Oil Level.
Never operate engine with oil level below L (low) level mark or
above H (high) level mark.
(1) Unlatch right hood panel and lower panel for access to oil level dipstick (4)
located directly below coolant surge tank (3). Turn dipstick handle counterclockwise to
free dipstick (4) from dipstick tube (5). Withdraw dipstick slowly to prevent a false
reading. Keep oil level as near as possible to H (high) mark on dipstick, Seven quarts of
engine oil are required to raise oil level from the L (low) mark to the H (high) mark on
dipstick (4).
(2) If engine oil level is low, remove oil filler cap (2) and add engine oil as prescribed
in LO 9-2320-260-12. Do not overfill. Replace oil filler cap (2, tighten cap securely, and
wipe away any oil spilled.
(3) After checking or adjusting oil level, reinstall dipstick (4) in dipstick tube (5).
Make sure dipstick (4) is seated in tube opening (5). Then tighten handle by turning it
clockwise. Raise hood side panel and latch panel in closed position.