TM 9-2320-260-10
(6) Start engine and check for any fuel system leaks.
(7) Release hood from hood catch assembly (3), lower hood to closed position, and
secure with hood catches
g. Air Cleaner Service.
After Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) exposure of this
vehicle, all air filters shall be handled with extreme caution.
Unprotected personnel may experience injury or death if
residual toxic agents or radioactive material are present.
Servicing personnel will wear protective overgarments, mask,
hood, and chemical protective gloves and boots. All
contaminated air filters will be placed into double lined plastic
bags and moved immediately to a temporary segregation area
away from the work site. If contaminated by radioactive dust,
the Company NBC team will measure the radiation before
removal. The NBC team will determine the extent of safety
procedures required. The temporary segregation area will be
marked with the appropriate NBC signs. Final disposal of
contaminated air filters will be in accordance with local SOP
NBC contaminated filters must be handled using adequate
precautions (refer to FM 21-40) and must be disposed of by
trained personnel.
(1) Air cleaner service is required
whenever the red band is visible in window
of air cleaner filter indicator (6) on
instrument panel. Notify organizational
maintenance whenever red band is visible.
Do not operate engine without
air cleaner element except in
extreme emergency.
(2) In an emergency, element may be removed and serviced with compressed air.
Loosen clamps on duct cap of air cleaner, remove cap and element (7). Direct
compressed air from inside element (7) toward outer element surface. Then remove dirt
from outer surface with compressed air. Dirt may also be removed by gently tapping
sides of element. Do not strike ends of element or damage to element may result.
(3) Install air cleaner element (7). Position duct cap on end of air cleaner with
arrows pointed up. Secure cap by closing clamps.
(4) Start engine and release red band by pressing bottom of air cleaner filter
indicator (6). If red band does not disappear, report condition to organizational