TM 9-2320-366-10-1
Do not engage starter pushbutton for more than 30 seconds. If engine fail
s to start within this period, release starter pushbutton and wait two minut
es before attempting to start engine. Failure to comply may result in dam
age to equipment.
(6) Press and hold starter pushbutton (7).
(7) Release starter pushbutton (7) when engine starts.
STOP indicator illuminates (red) to warn Operator when a potential
engine failure (e.g., low oil pressure, low coolant, coolant over-heating,
etc.) has occurred. Shut down engine immediately (para 2-27f) and
perform Engine Troubleshooting (para 3-3). Failure to comply may result
in damage to equipment.
If OIL PRESS gage does not show engine oil pressure of 15-80 psi
(103-552 kPa) within 10-15 seconds after starting engine, shut down
engine immediately (para 2-27f) and perform Engine Troubleshooting
(para 3-3). Failure to comply may result in damage to equipment.
(8) Check that WATER TEMP gage (8) reads between 100 F to 230 F (38C to 110
C). If WATER TEMP gage reads in red zone and high engine temperature indicator
(4) is illuminated, shut down engine (para 2-27f) and perform Engine Troubleshooting
(para 3-3).
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